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Welcome to the GridRepublic Help pages. If you're looking for help -- or if you're willing and able to offer help -- you can browse these pages starting with the links and information below.



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Frequently Asked Questions

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If you click the SEARCH tab in the upper left, you'll see a handy Search tool -- available from any of the community pages -- that will allow you to search our forums and/or documentation.

BOINC Help Resources

GridRepublic is built with BOINC, so any web based help materials about BOINC will in most all cases apply equally to GridRepublic.

Live Help

If you have Skype (free software for voice and text chat), you can talk in person with an experienced volunteer. You can visit BOINC live help.

Useful Websites

Here are some great sites with useful information --

Documentation Help

All the GridRepublic documentation is collaboratively written and maintained (wiki system). Want to contribute, or just wondering how it works? Click here.


Here you can find an aphabetical list of terms and defintions in relation to GridRepublic and BOINC

Contact Us

You can contact us for any reason at or post a question to GridRepublic's Community help forum.