

Orbit@home aims to identify asteroids and comets that have a probability of colliding with our planet. Distributed computing helps maximize the volume of space that can be monitored for Near Earth Objects (NEOs), enabling researchers to detect potentially devastating collisions years in advance, which it is hoped will allow ample time to to deflect them away from Earth using existing technologies. Information obtained through Orbit@home could also help NASA target asteroids suitable for future human or robotic exploration.

Sponsor: Major funding for orbit@home is provided by the NASA Applied Information Systems Research Program, grant NNX08AD18G.

Start Date: March 4, 2008




[The Science section might (or might not) be divided into two parts: {1} general discussion of the field, and then {2} a discussion of the project's specific endeavor. For instance, in LHC@home, we might have {1} "Science of the Large Hardon Collider" and then {2} "Science of LHC@home"

The above is desirable, because in most cases, the field of research is really fascinating, and presenting this in broad terms-- outlining the big questions-- can make it easier to understand the particulars of the project and why it is important.]


[Where known, we should attempt to keep track of each project's publications. A good list to draw from is here. ]

Links of Interest

Orbit@home In the Classroom

[For each project, please add a "[Projectname] in the Classroom" section-- with a link to Volunteer Computing In the Classroom and an article named "[Projectname] in the Classroom". (Then please add "[Projectname] in the Classroom" to the list on the main Education page.)]