RNA World

In the past decade, science has transformed our understanding of how genes and their expression are controlled by RNA molecules. With the help of computationally intensive bioinformatics, we have discovered a vast family of previously unknown RNA molecules that affect many human cell functions. Small RNAs called miRNAs, for example, appear to to play in role in diseases ranging from viruses to cancer. Better understanding how they work has the potential to significantly impact future health care, leading to the development of new drugs and other therapies. RNA World is a nonprofit that uses Internet-connected computers to advance RNA research, enabling a variety of sub-projects that involve identifying, analyzing, and designing RNA molecules, all the results of which will be made available to the public.

Sponsor: Currently seeking sponsors. Make a donation <LINK> http://www.rnaworld.de/rnaworld//donations.php</LINK

Start date: October 30, 2009 <FROM MSG BOARD. OK?>


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