I am new at GridRepublic/BOINC. I would like to know how to set each of the preferences for maximum performance. I have a new 'hot rod' and I would like to put it to work. If I could be given the step-by-step configuration details, I would be a 'happy camper'!
Thank you.
Dell XPS 8500, i7 3770 @3.40GHz, 12.0 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @798 MHz., 2048 MB ATI AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series, Windows 8 64-bit.
Hi Carl,
What you can do to get the most out of your current system is to move the cpu % used to 100%. If you are running the current GridRepublic or current PTP install you will only be using your CPU. We are getting close to release a version for GridRepublic which can take advantage of your GPU as well. If you run the BOINC client and did not do a protected install your GPU should be taken advantage if you joined projects that have GPU apps such as Einstein@home and a few others.
The instructions to find the preferences are oulined in our FAQ: