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Latest posts of: Padma
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 Re: Where have you found GridRepublic?  GR CafĂ© 02/07/09 03:27 pm

I found grid republic at and I can not figure out why they would have directed me to this distributed computing account manager when their projects are not even linked to the available projects through this account manager. Who sold them the Brooklyn Bridge?

I was reading about one of the projects I participate in through the stock Boinc account manager, specifically Then though the Ibercives homepage, I discovered the gridrepublic account manager download. As one who is almost always to willing to test whether or not a new program will demolish my computer or not, clicking the button, "are you sure you wish to proceed with this download that may totally hose your computer?" I proceeded with the gridrepublic download through the project for Spanish scientific research. After the download, the projects available for using with gridrepublic did not even include as an option. So that, to my simple mind, seems just plain weird. Another one of my favorite stock Boinc project mangager projects, although you have to know where the software is (it is not automatically selectable throughn the Boinc manager) in order to attach it to your stock Boinc application managment program is - - Can not attach to it through gridrepublic either. So, PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME! Why is gridrepublic distributed computing account management software a good thing? Thanks -Padma......

 I don't know if I like this  Advocacy 02/07/09 03:12 pm
I was reading about one of the projects I participate in through the stock Boinc account manager, specifically Then though the Ibercives homepage, I discovered the gridrepublic account manager download. As one who is almost always to willing to test whether or not a new program will demolish my computer or not, clicking the button, "are you sure you wish to proceed with this download that may totally hose your computer?" I proceeded with the gridrepublic download through the project for Spanish scientific research. After the download, the projects available for using with gridrepublic did not even include as an option. So that, to my simple mind, seems just plain weird. Another one of my favorite stock Boinc project mangager projects, although you have to know where the software is (it is not automatically selectable throughn the Boinc manager) in order to attach it to your stock Boinc application managment program is - - Can not attach to it through gridrepublic either. So, PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME! Why is gridrepublic distributed computing account management software a good thing? Thanks -Padma...

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