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 Re: GridRepublic Setup.exe is not a valid 32 bit application  Help 01/08/14 12:48 pm
(i kept getting the same error when trying to load GR's client, eventually i noticed that my computer was downloading a 0 bytes file, so i think the gridrepublic download system is b0rked. For me, GR's stats reporting system is b0rked too, and they don't bother answering questions here, so you might be better off forgetting about GR completely until they sort themselves out. Best of luck)...

 Re: GridRepublic Setup.exe is not a valid 32 bit application  Help 01/08/14 12:46 pm
Try installing the 64bit version of BOINC from

 Computers list is way out of date  Help 01/02/14 02:48 pm

Hi GR team

I have 2 computers: one runs BOINC generic client 7.2.28 and one runs GR 6.8.44

I installed the GR one first and ran it on the 13th Nov 2013, set some options, chose my projects on the website etc.. This computer downloads work, does it, uploads it within the deadline etc

..but the stats don't update. The website says the last stats update was 13th Nov 2013. The client says it's done thousands of points worth of work since then, but the website is frozen in time at 13th Nov 2013 and says the coimputer has done just 93 points of work.

The other computer running the generic client.. Similarly, this thing is joined to my GR account, I assume it downloads work from my chosen projects and does it (it's doing some tasks right now), the stats it has collected locally show thousands of points worth of work..

..but this one doesnt even show up in the list of computers on the GR website. If it's of any help, it's currently doing 8 Einstein@home tasks but they're all listed with a deadline on 27th Nov 2013 which is oviously passed. Why is it doing work that is over deadline? Why does it never seem to fetch new tasks when I look in the log?


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