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Personal stats and GOALS!

Personal stats and GOALS!

ID: 29968
Posts: 5

Hi, Dear fellow contributor to science! 

In order to reach the Gridrepublic goal to make all with a computer join, then you'll have to make it more interesting and somewhat competitive!

A way to do this might be to compare your personal contributions with others. There are a lot of applications out there (for BOINC) rating your personal stats and placeing them on a position-list. It schould be able to do in this app as well, or ...?

To make it even more interesting you could make some "Certificates" for some G-hour goals. Like SETI - only you can do it better!

Tell me what you think, thanx :-)

ID: 15261
Posts: 141


Thank you for the advice.  You ideas correspond much with features GridRepublic developers and designers have discussed developing.  GridRepublic has limited resources for development and thus it will take time for features such as those mentioned to be added.  There is much still to be done and the evolution of the design never ends.

The Facebook application is in beta and gives basic functionality.  We have discussed updates to enhance the user experience to implemented at a future time. 

Thank you again for your comments and suggestions.  We are always looking for people to help out with GridRepublic's evolution.  Check out the development and advocacy sections of the community for ideas how you can help.

Thank you again for the great post and suggestions.  We are always looking for more ideas.

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