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Grid Republic doesn't list NumberFields@home.

Grid Republic doesn't list NumberFields@home.

ID: 77180
Posts: 3

I recently added NF@home as a project but it doesn't show on my list of projects. How does it get added?
ID: 15261
Posts: 141

Hi Jim,

The issue is not on your side it is on GridRepublic's... our project list is a bit out of date and in need of and update as well as the rest of the site.  There are only a handfull of us working part time or volunteering to make GridRepublic work as we build up the organization.  Most work has gone into the partnership projcts which are sustaining our operation.

Our plans were to update over the 2012 holiday, but unexpected events delayed the update and we are currently working through some new issues that manifested.  I have been reminding the team about the need to update the projects list on our weekly calls, but the limiting factor is only one person has access to the key signing computer which is needed to add projects.  We are a geographically disperse group and the computer key access is a limiting factor to the update speed.

Appologies for not having that project available yet for management.  You can always add it manually to your client and when it appears on GridRepublic claim it so you can manage it here after that.  Not the best solution, but it is a work around until then.

ID: 77180
Posts: 3

 Thanks for the reply!

 I am confused as to exactly what this means..

"You can always add it manually to your client and when it appears on GridRepublic claim it so you can manage it here after that."

Can you clarify?

ID: 15261
Posts: 141

Sorry that part was not clear.  What I mean is:

Until we add the NumberFields@home project to GridRepublic you can still join the project by using the application installed on your computer.  Once we add the project to our website you can attach your account using the add project function on our website to link the accounts.

Breaking it down into steps:

1. Open the program installed on your computer (GridRepublic, Progress Thru Processors, BOINC) whichever one you are using they all behave the same.

2. Open the Advanced View (if not already selelcted)

3. Go to the menu toolbar -> Tools > Add Project

4. Depending on your version of the installed client it may list the projects available and you can select NumberFields@home or you can enter the URL in the field asking for the project address.

5. You will need to create a new account for this project if you donot currently have an account with the project (this is what GridRepublic does behind the scenes for you when attaching)*

6. Your computer will be attached to NumberFields@home

* If you get a message saying you already have an account you can use the forgot email password with the email you sign up with for other projects.

When the GridRepublic website adds NumberFields@home to our project list all you need to do is select join project and follow the instruction on the website to link the account you created manually.

 (these instructions also work with other projects you may have joined and not yet attached to GridRepublic)

ID: 77180
Posts: 3

Got it!

Thanks again.

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