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life most complex problems

life most complex problems

ID: 105042
Posts: 1

ever wonder about our reason for being,

ever word we think say and do, our actions all goes up and forms the clouds , wisdom of our words, it goes around the world as we spin on the axel    come down on children, or to the wise ones whom improve on it,  all the catch phrases our parents would say  are all wisdom words for us to understand,  wise sayings all have a deeper meaning to them,   the nursery rhymes we learnt a children all have a adult meaning to them, it conncern the weather,  and the 4 seasons, north east south and west, if we go to far in any  one direction to soon  we get extreme weather  come in at once, in one place, god calls them his pillars, which helps to space out the weather,  our family trees from centures back reach out to each planet,mars venus mercury,

when we drive  or travel, our thought patterns above our heads, maybe tension, may be anger, moves along with us collect on to some one else path  , and collects together twisters of words and all which forms the hurricans, tornado , , this action goes way back to the begining of time  as humans have multiplied over generations the cloud forms have spaced out in some country   ,== i saw the lot by vision in 1997 when the big comet went pasted earth,,since then as i have a big interest in the reason for our lives , more and more answer are coming to me on what i saw my mind couldn,t   apprehend at the time,  the answer are all in the bible, and we all have parts of theible come in on us from time to time, these parts of wisdom of words, are parts of gods path thats never being put into words before, and its the answer to all the planets earth energy force, sun  and what these uses are for  saving earth, and humans,  we all got to work on understanding the wisdom of this world wide, the more people the more we space out the weather,look at the moon at night does one see different colours forming around the moon on a clear, night,  well thats wise words being sent to the next level to understand and improve on,  god didn,t create us to get old and die,  he created us to keep learning understanding his true wise path for all human survival and this planet, if we get it right on earth the other planets will be easy to rotate the weather around,.

THE  cow jumped over the moon,== means wisdom of words was sent over the moon, there always be work to be done, i can improve on this as it come to me

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