Our next BOINC Meetup will be held 4pm, Saturday April 25th in Rockcreek Park in Washington DC. I am organizing it with my friends and collegues in the area. Some of whom have a professional interest in developing BOINC & Bossa projects. We plan to have a grill and cook up burgers and hotdogs. I imagine it will be a casual affair and some people will just show up for the free food. We can't reserve picnick grounds until May. It will be first come first serve. I'll get down there early and stake out a place in the Pierce Mill picnick ground.
Those are some good ideas. I don't know who we can have as a speaker. I want to wait for a more formal meeting until we have a group of at least 5 regulars. Its certainly possible for me to hold meetings in a conference room at NAS after work.
PS Is it possible to create a prview feature in these discussions. I wanted to see how the last post would render. Otherwise can we go back and edit posts?
Last time we advertised it several ways, directly emailing people, posting it on RSS feeds. It may have been the time of the year that was bad. Here is our next event.