Comment:Progress Thru Processors Beta

This is the commentary page for discussing improvements to the Progress Thru Processors Beta article.

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I have used BOINC (for Mac) on and off for several years. I am returning to it after a multi-month hiatus. I am usually net and computer savy, but the current state of shared computing is comfusing.

Is there a clearly understandable infrastructure inside which BOINC, Progress thr Processors, GridRepublic and other individual BOINC systems operate?

I honestly don't understand the overwhelming blossoming of related "shells" for the intrinsically simple idea. I wonder how many other people give up - lost in the minutia.


Some application like is more computer time consumer than others


I noticed that one of the applications I chose to run is actually preventing the two other one to update and run as it uses 100% computer screensaver time to perform calculation...

Does anybody has noticed the same issue

Anything to do in order to equally share computer time between different project?

Best regards